About Our Leaders

Pastor Worth Carson

Worth Carson, Senior Pastor

Our senior pastor is Worth Carson and he has served Granada since 1999. He is a native of Miami and loves the city. He prefers salt life: sailing, spearfishing, and kayaking. He studied in North Carolina, Scotland, Princeton, NJ and St. Louis. The wonder of the gospel remains a source of delight for him. He loves books and biographies, stories of all kinds, and strong black java.  His beautiful wife Sandy serves in the children’s ministry at Granada. Together they have three grown children and four grandchildren. It’s true, he uses the name “Sam” when giving his name at restaurants because most people say, “Huh?” when they hear his real name. Check out his blog at https://dwcarson.wordpress.com/

Pastor David McCloud

David McCloud, Associate Pastor

Our Associate Pastor, David McCloud can always be seen serving at Granada. He visits and counsels members of the Granada family during tough times and teaches classes Sunday morning. David is married to Mirelys and they have 3 wonderful children (Stephen, Madison and Luke).

Pastor Jeff Sullivan

Jeff Sullivan, Executive Pastor

Jeff Sullivan is the Executive Pastor at Granada Presbyterian Church. Granada’s mission is to display God’s grace to all people, and Jeff’s role is to promote that mission through the church’s finance, facilities, communication, and organizational culture.  He graduated with a theology degree in 1998 and completed an MBA at Nova Southeastern in 2013.  Jeff married a Miami-born Cuban, Cristina, and is the proud father of two sons (Isaac and Isaiah).  He has served the Miami community for more than 20 years as an elementary school teacher, a church planter, and a pastor.  He is addicted to cafe cubano and loves the artistry of the amazing Miami food scene.

Pastor Jamid Jimenez

Jamid Jimenez, Associate Pastor

Jamid Jimenez nació en Manizales Colombia y está casado con María del Pilar Robledo. Juntos tienen dos hijos, Sebastian y Samuel. A temprana edad su corazón fue abierto para el servicio como ministro del evangelio. Jamid fue ordenado pastor en la iglesia reformada de Cali donde sirvió por 10 años. Es graduado de MINTS (Miami International Seminar) donde terminó su MTS.  En 2007 fue ordenado TE en la PCA.  Jamid es pastor asociado De la Iglesia Granada en Miami. Siempre listo a servir, disfruta escuchar, leer, nadar, gusta del buen humor.

Pastor Ezequias

Ezequias Abreu, Assistant Pastor

Ezequias Abreu was born in Brazil where he married his wife Mara. They had one son, Hugo, who has been living in Heaven since 2011. Ezequias graduated in Theology and Social Sciences. For him, studying is a way to reach a deeper relationship with God; therefore, he completed a Masters in Systematics, ThM, in Brazil and a Masters in Living Reformed Theology, MA, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In 1988 he was ordained as Pastor by the Presbyterian Church in Brazil and in 2013 he was received as a teaching elder member of the PCA. For him, the best way to show his love for Christ is to take care of people.

Pastor Phil Binnie

Phil Binnie, Assistant Pastor

Phil serves as pastor of member care. He and Deborah have four children and four grandchildren. He served at L’Abri Fellowship in Holland for one year and in Switzerland for five years, three alongside Deborah. He served veterans as Chief chaplain at the Miami VA. He leads groups, teaches classes, and does hospital and home visitation. Phil volunteers for InterVarsity at UM. He counts it a real joy to be a member of the staff and minister to the Granada family.

Pastor James Drake

James Drake, Assistant Pastor

Rev. James Drake has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Samford University and a Masters in Divinity from Beeson Divinity School.  He is commissioned as a Chaplain in the Army Reserves by the National Association of Evangelicals and as a Missionary by Cru. James is a teaching elder for the Presbyterian Church in America and serves as an Assistant Pastor at Granada Church in Coral Gables, Florida. He also sits on multiple boards including the Florida Faith Council, the National Christian Foundation’s “Explore Foster Miami” Donor Advised Fund, City to City Miami, Pumped for Change, Worldviews International, and Explore God Miami. James and Heidi Drake enjoy traveling around the USA speaking at Family Life Weekend to Remember Marriage Conferences and leading the couples ministry at Granada. They are also the authors of “6 Essentials for Your Body” a workbook and community group series on Biblical Health Stewardship. James and Heidi have five children. You can follow the Drake family on social media @jamesbryandrake or at www.jamesandheidi.com

Pastor Evelio Vilches

Evelio Vilches, Assistant Pastor

Pastor of Youth & Families

Teaching Elders

Ezequias Abreu
Phil Binnie
Worth Carson
James Drake
Jamid Jimenez
Dave McCloud
Jeff Sullivan
Evelio Vilches

Ruling Elders

Nathan Adler, Clerk
Luis Pablo Alcalá
Juan Bolet
Micah Dawson
José Franco
Bruce Gago
Allan Gubbins
Greg Kaplan
Taylor Larson
Jorge Milian
Guillermo Rojas
Carlos Ruiz
Joseph Stewart
Juan Tejeda


Fausto Azevedo
Alan Bair
John Barrios
Ed Claughton
Oscar Dominguez, Chair
Felipe Estrella
Tirso Ferrer
Erik Hofmeyer
Napalys Juodzevicius
Greg Knowles
Andrew Lindberg
Tim Lokash
Angel Menes
Stephan Meyer
Wilson Pretel
Ruben Reyes
Benjamin Ruetenik
Nick Sharpe
Walter Shikany
Achille Sime
Chris Tunez
Ricky Velez
Tom Warfel