Celebrating His name with joy

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Watch through YouTube at 9 and 11 am on Sundays.
11 am Contemporary Service
The same message is preached at both the 9:00 service and the more casual service at 11:00. At the later gathering, music is usually led by a band of musicians and singers. A typical service includes popular modern worship songs as well as time-honored hymns with moments of praise, prayer, confession and celebration. Stick around after the service to meet other people.

9 am Traditional Service
The Heritage service celebrates time-honored liturgy and hymns of the faith. Strong emphasis is placed on the reading of scripture, corporate prayer and creeds, and personal reflection. The singing is led by choir, organ, piano and a variety of instruments on occasion. A typical service includes familiar hymns and songs of personal reflection and prayer. The service culminates in the preaching of God’s word.

¿Hablas Español?
Tenemos un servicio a las 11 am para ti!

Você fala português?
Granada has two services in Portuguese every Sunday,
11 am at the Loft and 7 pm at the Fellowship Hall.